Building package "realmd" INFO: Starting build... INFO: Verifying bootstrap image /home/u726578/chaotic/cache/lower/20240508084226.sif WARNING: integrity: signature not found for object group 1 WARNING: Bootstrap image could not be verified, but build will continue. INFO: Creating sandbox directory... INFO: Build complete: /scratch/chaotic/sandbox/pkg1e3bf429963 :: Synchronizing package databases... core downloading... extra downloading... multilib downloading... chaotic-aur downloading... :: Starting full system upgrade... resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Packages (8) binutils-2.42+r91+g6224493e457-1 gcc-14.1.1+r1+g43b730b9134-1 gcc-libs-14.1.1+r1+g43b730b9134-1 glibc-2.39+r52+gf8e4623421-1 libelf-0.191-3 libsysprof-capture-46.0-3 libtool-2.4.7+83+g7b091831-1 mpfr-4.2.1-3 Total Installed Size: 438.54 MiB Net Upgrade Size: 21.33 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... checking available disk space... :: Processing package changes... upgrading glibc... Generating locales... en_US.UTF-8... done Generation complete. upgrading gcc-libs... upgrading libelf... upgrading binutils... upgrading mpfr... upgrading gcc... upgrading libsysprof-capture... upgrading libtool... :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/2) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate... (2/2) Updating the info directory file... warning: dbus-1.14.10-2 is up to date -- skipping warning: krb5-1.21.2-2 is up to date -- skipping warning: python-3.12.3-1 is up to date -- skipping resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Packages (37) cyrus-sasl-gssapi-2.1.28-3 docbook-xml-4.5-9 duktape-2.7.0-6 libpackagekit-glib-1.2.8-8 libsodium-1.0.19-3 libxslt-1.1.39-2 perl-clone-0.46-2 perl-encode-locale-1.05-11 perl-error-0.17029-5 perl-file-listing-6.16-2 perl-html-parser-3.81-2 perl-html-tagset-3.20-14 perl-http-cookiejar-0.014-1 perl-http-cookies-6.11-1 perl-http-daemon-6.16-2 perl-http-date-6.06-1 perl-http-message-6.45-1 perl-http-negotiate-6.01-12 perl-io-html-1.004-4 perl-libwww-6.72-1 perl-lwp-mediatypes-6.04-4 perl-mailtools-2.21-7 perl-net-http-6.23-2 perl-timedate-2.33-5 perl-try-tiny-0.31-3 perl-uri-5.21-1 perl-www-robotrules-6.02-12 perl-xml-parser-2.46-5 unixodbc-2.3.12-1 adcli-0.9.2-1.2 docbook-xsl-1.79.2-7 git-2.45.0-1 intltool-0.51.0-6 openldap-2.6.7-2 packagekit-1.2.8-8 polkit-124-2 xmlto-0.0.28-4 Total Installed Size: 72.56 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... checking available disk space... :: Processing package changes... installing cyrus-sasl-gssapi... installing adcli... installing unixodbc... installing libsodium... installing openldap... installing libpackagekit-glib... installing duktape... installing polkit... warning: directory permissions differ on /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d/ filesystem: 750 package: 755 installing packagekit... warning: directory permissions differ on /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d/ filesystem: 750 package: 755 Optional dependencies for packagekit bash-completion: command completion in bash installing libxslt... Optional dependencies for libxslt python: Python bindings [installed] installing docbook-xml... installing docbook-xsl... installing perl-error... installing perl-timedate... installing perl-mailtools... installing git... Optional dependencies for git tk: gitk and git gui openssh: ssh transport and crypto perl-libwww: git svn [pending] perl-term-readkey: git svn and interactive.singlekey setting perl-io-socket-ssl: git send-email TLS support perl-authen-sasl: git send-email TLS support perl-mediawiki-api: git mediawiki support perl-datetime-format-iso8601: git mediawiki support perl-lwp-protocol-https: git mediawiki https support perl-cgi: gitweb (web interface) support python: git svn & git p4 [installed] subversion: git svn org.freedesktop.secrets: keyring credential helper libsecret: libsecret credential helper [installed] installing perl-encode-locale... installing perl-http-date... installing perl-file-listing... installing perl-html-tagset... installing perl-clone... installing perl-io-html... installing perl-lwp-mediatypes... installing perl-uri... installing perl-http-message... installing perl-html-parser... installing perl-http-cookies... installing perl-http-daemon... installing perl-http-cookiejar... installing perl-http-negotiate... installing perl-net-http... installing perl-try-tiny... installing perl-www-robotrules... installing perl-libwww... Optional dependencies for perl-libwww perl-lwp-protocol-https: for https:// url schemes installing perl-xml-parser... installing intltool... installing xmlto... :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/7) Creating system user accounts... Creating group 'git' with GID 973. Creating user 'git' (git daemon user) with UID 973 and GID 973. Creating group 'ldap' with GID 439. Creating user 'ldap' (LDAP Server) with UID 439 and GID 439. Creating group 'polkitd' with GID 102. Creating user 'polkitd' (User for polkitd) with UID 102 and GID 102. (2/7) Reloading system manager configuration... Skipped: Current root is not booted. (3/7) Creating temporary files... /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/journal-nocow.conf:26: Failed to resolve specifier: uninitialized /etc/ detected, skipping. All rules containing unresolvable specifiers will be skipped. fchownat() of /sys/kernel/security/ima/binary_runtime_measurements failed: Operation not permitted error: command failed to execute correctly (4/7) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate... (5/7) Refreshing PackageKit... Error connecting: Could not connect: No such file or directory error: command failed to execute correctly (6/7) Reloading system bus configuration... Skipped: Current root is not booted. (7/7) Warn about old perl modules ==> ERROR: A package has already been built. (use -f to overwrite) real 0m43.785s user 0m10.025s sys 0m34.863s