Building package "neovim-drop-in" INFO: Starting build... INFO: Verifying bootstrap image /home/u726578/chaotic/cache/lower/20240420000259.sif WARNING: integrity: signature not found for object group 1 WARNING: Bootstrap image could not be verified, but build will continue. INFO: Creating sandbox directory... INFO: Build complete: /scratch/chaotic/sandbox/pkg5b191bb1cc7 :: Synchronizing package databases... core downloading... extra downloading... multilib downloading... chaotic-aur downloading... :: Starting full system upgrade... there is nothing to do resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Packages (16) libluv-1.48.0_2-1 libtermkey-0.22-3 libuv-1.48.0-2 libvterm-0.3.3-1 luajit-2.1.1710088188-1 msgpack-c-5.0.0-2 tree-sitter-0.22.5-1 tree-sitter-bash-0.21.0-2 tree-sitter-c-0.21.0-2 tree-sitter-lua-0.1.0-2 tree-sitter-markdown-0.2.3-2 tree-sitter-python-0.21.0-2 tree-sitter-query-0.2.1-2 tree-sitter-vimdoc-2.5.1-2 unibilium-2.1.1-2 neovim-0.9.5-5 Total Installed Size: 30.66 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... checking available disk space... :: Processing package changes... installing libuv... installing luajit... installing libluv... installing unibilium... installing libtermkey... installing libvterm... installing msgpack-c... installing tree-sitter... installing tree-sitter-bash... Optional dependencies for tree-sitter-bash tree-sitter: core library [installed] installing tree-sitter-c... Optional dependencies for tree-sitter-c tree-sitter: core library [installed] installing tree-sitter-lua... Optional dependencies for tree-sitter-lua tree-sitter: core library [installed] installing tree-sitter-markdown... Optional dependencies for tree-sitter-markdown tree-sitter: core library [installed] installing tree-sitter-python... Optional dependencies for tree-sitter-python tree-sitter: core library [installed] installing tree-sitter-query... Optional dependencies for tree-sitter-query tree-sitter: core library [installed] installing tree-sitter-vimdoc... Optional dependencies for tree-sitter-vimdoc tree-sitter: core library [installed] installing neovim... Optional dependencies for neovim python-pynvim: for Python plugin support (see :help python) xclip: for clipboard support on X11 (or xsel) (see :help clipboard) xsel: for clipboard support on X11 (or xclip) (see :help clipboard) wl-clipboard: for clipboard support on wayland (see :help clipboard) :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate... ==> ERROR: A package has already been built. (use -f to overwrite) real 0m11.690s user 0m5.946s sys 0m4.801s