Building package "jitsi" INFO: Starting build... INFO: Verifying bootstrap image /home/u726578/chaotic/cache/lower/20240418000337.sif WARNING: integrity: signature not found for object group 1 WARNING: Bootstrap image could not be verified, but build will continue. INFO: Creating sandbox directory... INFO: Build complete: /scratch/chaotic/sandbox/pkgb67bee59517 :: Synchronizing package databases... core downloading... extra downloading... multilib downloading... chaotic-aur downloading... :: Starting full system upgrade... resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Packages (2) glibc-2.39-2 gmp-6.3.0-2 Total Installed Size: 48.28 MiB Net Upgrade Size: 0.00 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... checking available disk space... warning: could not get file information for usr/share/info/ warning: could not get file information for usr/share/info/ warning: could not get file information for usr/share/info/ :: Processing package changes... upgrading glibc... Generating locales... en_US.UTF-8... done Generation complete. upgrading gmp... :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/3) Reloading system manager configuration... Skipped: Current root is not booted. (2/3) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate... (3/3) Updating the info directory file... :: There are 2 providers available for java-runtime=8: :: Repository extra 1) jre8-openjdk :: Repository chaotic-aur 2) jre8 Enter a number (default=1): resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Packages (24) giflib-5.2.2-1 hicolor-icon-theme-0.17-3 java-environment-common-3-5 java-runtime-common-3-5 jre8-openjdk-headless-8.412.u08-1 libice-1.1.1-2 libsm-1.2.4-1 libx11-1.8.9-1 libxau-1.0.11-2 libxcb-1.17.0-1 libxdmcp-1.1.5-1 libxext-1.3.6-1 libxmu-1.2.1-1 libxt-1.3.0-1 nspr-4.35-2 nss-3.99-1 xcb-proto-1.17.0-1 xdg-utils-1.2.1-1 xorg-xprop-1.2.7-1 xorg-xset-1.2.5-1 xorgproto-2024.1-2 ant-1.10.14-1 jdk8-openjdk-8.412.u08-1 jre8-openjdk-8.412.u08-1 Total Installed Size: 165.27 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] checking keyring... checking package integrity... loading package files... checking for file conflicts... checking available disk space... :: Processing package changes... installing java-runtime-common... For the complete set of Java binaries to be available in your PATH, you need to re-login or source /etc/profile.d/ Please note that this package does not support forcing JAVA_HOME as former package java-common did installing nspr... installing nss... installing jre8-openjdk-headless... Optional dependencies for jre8-openjdk-headless java-rhino: for some JavaScript support installing xcb-proto... installing xorgproto... installing libxdmcp... installing libxau... installing libxcb... installing libx11... installing libxext... installing libice... installing libsm... installing libxt... installing libxmu... installing xorg-xset... installing xorg-xprop... installing xdg-utils... Optional dependencies for xdg-utils kde-cli-tools: for KDE Plasma5 support in xdg-open exo: for Xfce support in xdg-open pcmanfm: for LXDE support in xdg-open perl-file-mimeinfo: for generic support in xdg-open perl-net-dbus: Perl extension to dbus used in xdg-screensaver perl-x11-protocol: Perl X11 protocol used in xdg-screensaver installing hicolor-icon-theme... installing giflib... installing jre8-openjdk... when you use a non-reparenting window manager, set _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1 in /etc/profile.d/ Optional dependencies for jre8-openjdk icedtea-web: web browser plugin + Java Web Start alsa-lib: for basic sound support gtk2: for the Gtk+ look and feel - desktop usage java8-openjfx: for JavaFX GUI components support installing java-environment-common... installing jdk8-openjdk... Optional dependencies for jdk8-openjdk gvfs: open links e.g. hyperlinks installing ant... Optional dependencies for ant junit: junit tasks java-hamcrest: junit tasks :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate... ==> ERROR: A package has already been built. (use -f to overwrite) real 0m34.371s user 0m15.336s sys 0m18.565s