Building package "glib2-selinux" :: Synchronizing package databases... core downloading... extra downloading... multilib downloading... chaotic-aur downloading... :: Starting full system upgrade... there is nothing to do ==> Making package: glib2-selinux 1-1 (Sat 22 Jun 2024 11:43:00 PM CEST) ==> Checking runtime dependencies... ==> Checking buildtime dependencies... ==> Retrieving sources... ==> WARNING: Skipping verification of source file PGP signatures. ==> Extracting sources... ==> Entering fakeroot environment... ==> Starting package()... ==> Tidying install... -> Removing libtool files... -> Purging unwanted files... -> Removing static library files... -> Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries... -> Compressing man and info pages... ==> Checking for packaging issues... ==> Creating package "glib2-selinux"... -> Generating .PKGINFO file... -> Generating .BUILDINFO file... -> Generating .MTREE file... -> Compressing package... ==> Leaving fakeroot environment. ==> Finished making: glib2-selinux 1-1 (Sat 22 Jun 2024 11:43:02 PM CEST) umount: /home/xiota/working/glib2-selinux/machine/root/var/pkgdest unmounted umount: /home/xiota/working/glib2-selinux/machine/root/var/cache/pacman/pkg unmounted umount: /home/xiota/working/glib2-selinux/machine/root/home/main-builder/pkgsrc unmounted umount: /home/xiota/working/glib2-selinux/machine/root/home/main-builder/.ccache unmounted umount: /home/xiota/working/glib2-selinux/machine/root/home/main-builder/pkgwork unmounted umount: /home/xiota/working/glib2-selinux/machine/root (overlay) unmounted real 0m5.597s user 0m1.360s sys 0m2.560s